In the Japaridize deck, I think colorful knight and queen have the gray bishop trapped. If the gray piece is a king it is on the defense check not quite checkmate.

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Great insight on this card, especially with the variety of decks. One thing that came to mind for me was the number of inspiring books, podcasts, quotes, etc. that I float around my project. Perhaps spiraling off one another in thoughts as Margy mentioned.

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Thinking back to times I’ve felt overwhelmed by overcommitment, the word that comes to mind is “trapped”. So many times I’ve said yes to too many things (January is really bad for this; it all seems so do-able!) and then eventually feel trapped by my need to honour my commitments. As a January draw, I think this card is a reminder to myself to be discerning in the wands I pick up now, to leave space and energy for unanticipated opportunities later in the cycle.

My brand new (first) Tarot deck has arrived - Ambi Sun’s “Oriens Animal Tarot”. It’s absolutely beautiful and I love it. The 10 of Wands is a beaver - diligent, hardworking, building a structure with 10 sticks.

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I meant to say, with the word “trapped”, that it was the cage card that resonated most strongly for me, although not initially. It wasn’t until I had sat with your full 16 cards for a bit that I suddenly saw the connection.

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